Friday, February 5, 2010

Is Herpes Transmitted Through Basketball How Is Herpes Transmitted Other Than Through Sex ? &&can You Have An Outbreak Besides On Genitals Or Mouth ?

How is herpes transmitted other than through sex ? &&can you have an outbreak besides on genitals or mouth ? - is herpes transmitted through basketball

Genital herpes is spread through direct contact, including kissing May, vaginal, anal or oral, dermal or skin. Genital herpes is most easily through sex with someone who can be contracted the gallbladder, but transferred, even if no injuries or other symptoms. Often take for sex with someone who does not know that he / she is infected.

Everyone is different. This depends primarily on where the virus enters your body. Some people have outbreaks in their sides and lower back.

Hope this helps. Good luck!


samseven... said...

It is through the exchange of body fluids, such as transfer needle sharing among drug users. Oh, mother to child. But not through saliva or respiratory droplets. Manifestation of the disease recurs in the rule, because the virus can enter latency, hidden in the nerves.

Yes, you can host events, as well as in the genital area (type 2) and-mouth disease (type 1).

For example: Herpetic Whitlow - Type 1 occupational hazard of nurses and doctors for the treatment of patients with herpes, the event in the fingers and hands

Neurological deficits - Type 1 aseptic meningitis (stiff neck), meningo-encephalitis, necrotizing encephalitis

Disseminated Herpes - Type 1, hepatitis case.

Eczema herpeticum - Type 1, herpes in the top for sensitive skin causing serious skin lesions.

Congenital Herpes - Type 2, the number of organs of the child, acquired from an infected mother.

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